It’s here!

Seems like it took …FOREVER… but my debut novel, In Your Dreams! has finally been published! (YAY!) You can order the contemporary, later-in-life love story from Amazon’s Kindle Store at If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, you can have it for free until June. (If you really want to. They will let you pay for it, if you want to support your local first-time author.)

The eBook is available in 12 countries, but until June 13 (2022) it’s only on Amazon. After that, I plan to place it with other vendors like Barnes & Noble and Kobo. (Shout-out to my family, friends, and wonderful webmaster in Canada!)

The paperback and hardcover editions will be available on the same Amazon page, soon; they’re just waiting for their book covers.

If I have your e-mail address, I’ll send you a note with a link when the In Your Dreams! print books are published. If you haven’t given your address to me, feel free to complete the Contact form at the bottom of any page on my website. Of course, I’ll announce the print editions here and on social media, too.

After you’ve read it, would you be kind enough to write a review on It doesn’t need to be lengthy, but reviews are essential for lifting an unknown author’s book out of the search engine’s dungeon. With more than a million books categorized as “Romance” it’ll take a lot of reviews (and stars) to pull In Your Dreams! up to visible space. If you use Goodreads, a review there would help me, too; but Amazon is the most helpful. Thank you.

NOTE: There are older books called “In Your Dreams,” so if you only search for that title, they’ll surely appear way ahead of mine. (They weren’t there when I started writing mine!) To get my book, either use the link above or include my name in your search. My title is the only one with the exclamation point, which tells you it’s to be said sarcastically.

If you follow me on Amazon, that can help book sales, too. My Author Page is at  Again, I thank you with all my heart for your support!

